Why do we do things repeatedly, when they cost us time, money, health, energy, livelihood, and life?
Why did 148 million Americans die of heart disease, cancer, and stroke in 2021?
Anxiety, Stress, Breakdown of the Body
What do Anxiety, Stress, and Body Breakdown Lead to?
Financial Hardship, Relationship Problems, Physical and Emotional Struggle, Depression, Body Breakdown, Mental Disorders, Job Loss, Homelessness, Declining Desire to Live
“Very few people really get into self-discovery and question themselves and their habits. ‘Who am I? What am I doing? I’m not happy. There’s gotta be a different way.’ I want to support the inner journey, to bring people out of the funk and suffering.“
~ Sam Hashizu
Your mission, should you choose to accept it: Receive a Complete Makeover in Spirit, Health, and Wealth.
What are you needing and wanting in your body, your mind, your life? What are you wanting help with the most?
A must read for changing your life and a prerequisite to your Complete Makeover.
Why is it time for Makeover My Life? Who is Sam Hashizu and what is his mission?
"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." Let's collaborate for a greater benefit.
Products and People to serve your Health, Spirit, and Wealth in your journey to Makeover Your Life.